mist_images - Lists all available OS images for a backend

Author:Chris Loukas <commixon@gmail.com>


New in version 1.7.1.

Returns a list of all available OS images that the given backend supports. mist_email and mist_password can be skipped if ~/.mist config file is present. See mist.client documentation for config file http://mistclient.readthedocs.org/en/latest/cmd/cmd.html


parameter required default choices comments
backend yes
    Can be either backend's id or name
    mist_email no
      Email to login to the mist.io service
      mist_password no
        Password to login to the mist.io service
        mist_uri no https://mist.io
          Url of the mist.io service. By default https://mist.io. But if you have a custom installation of mist.io you can provide the url here
          search yes
            If not provided will return a list with default OS Images for the given backendIf all is provided, will return ALL available OS imagesIf other search term then it will search for specific images


            Requires mist.client


            - name: List default images for NephoScale backend
                mist_email: your@email.com
                mist_password: yourpassword
                backend: NephoScale
              register: images
            - name: Search for gentoo images in backend with id i984JHdkjhKj
                mist_email: your@email.com
                mist_password: yourpassword
                backend: i984JHdkjhKj
                search: gentoo
              register: images